
→ targets

Targets cut out on vinyl paper
Variable diameter between 5cm → 45cm

is a project inspired by Maxime Chanson’s work, and explores the symbolic and unconscious impact of images. The project uses a grid system to create pictograms designed to unconsciously influence viewer behavior, drawing on cognitive psychology research that shows how shapes and colors can affect perception.

The target symbol was chosen for its universal ability to capture and direct attention. By placing targets along a route in the school, the project transforms a simple path into an immersive experience, mapping out the viewer's visual fixation points. This concept is influenced by psychogeography, which examines the emotional experience of space.

Inspired by Gestalt psychology and Russian constructivism, *Targets* uses circular shapes and vibrant colors to guide the viewer’s attention and evoke specific emotional responses. Circular forms are engaging, while warm colors like red attract attention. The project reveals how subtle design choices can influence behavior, making viewers conscious of these manipulations.

A series of photographs documents the targets, ensuring each occupies the same space in each shot, while a video installation mimics the immersive pulsation of the targets, recreating the experience for viewers. Through this, *Targets* blends design, psychology, and art to explore how visual symbols shape perception and behavior.


Cut and glued strips of paper
Commercial mannequin
Metal foot

The project examines the redesign of the French State's visual identity under Macron’s first term, particularly the creation of the "Marianne" typeface. Designed by Matthieu Regué, it is meant to modernize the image of the State and unify its visual presentation across platforms.

The buste of Marianne, a national symbol of liberty and democracy, became the central focus. I sought to explore how design reflects authority, using typographic elements and phrases like "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" to comment on the manipulation of symbols. Influenced by Jonas Staal’s work, I wrapped Marianne in bands of typography, both dressing and constraining her, representing the oppressive nature of the State’s modern aesthetic.

The finished bust is a hollow, soulless figure, symbolizing a republic that has lost its meaning beneath layers of polished design and empty promises. It critiques how Marianne is used to justify power, becoming an outdated, lifeless representation of a decaying national narrative. The minimalistic presentation reflects this loss of significance, relegating the figure to the background as a mere tool of the State.

untitled (sample from earth)

Earth, digital waste, plastics, metals
Black wooden bin

Inspired by the amphorae and numerous funerary remains found at the Lattara site in Lattes, a reflection on our future was conducted. What trace will we leave in 2000 years, like the remains found today? What elements of our time, our rituals, our daily lives will persist? Research was therefore conducted on the most abundant materials in nature, the least degradable, the most likely to endure over the long term. 
A 50 cm cube was then created, filled with elements that we will probably find in 2000 years: microplastics, magnetic tapes, lithium, glyphosate, glass, smartphones... The main objective of this project was to explore, imagine and anticipate a distant future. It would have been interesting to have more time to collaborate with scientists and thus strengthen the realism of this work.

untitled (broken glass)

Glued broken bottles

This series of sculptures is born from an in-depth exploration of gesture and material. The choice fell on the wine bottle, a daily object, which I subject to a radical transformation: fragmentation. Using a hammer, I shatter each bottle, then proceed to meticulously sort the debris in order to reconstitute the original object, but in a reversed configuration. These fragments are then assembled using hot glue, a choice that adds a random dimension to the creative process.

The repetition of this gesture on five bottles has revealed the diversity of forms that a single object can take when deconstructed and then recomposed. Each sculpture is unique, the result of a random and unpredictable process. The assembly of the debris, carried out with hot glue, introduces a degree of accident and surprise, thus reinforcing the unique character of each work.

These fragmented and reconstituted bottles can be seen as models, prototypes on a larger scale.

kill my aloe

Aloe Vera

This interactive installation features an aloe vera plant, placed on a pedestal from which tools resembling instruments of torture emerge: knives, skewers, pliers... These tools, connected to a MIDI card and music production software, are designed to transform the spectator's gestures into sounds. Thus, each interaction with the plant generates a unique sound response, a digital cry that seems to emanate from the plant itself.

By placing the spectator in the position of a potential executioner, this installation questions our relationship to nature and suffering. It reveals the diversity of human reactions to an ambiguous situation: some hesitate, others act with apparent cruelty. This experience, reminiscent of the famous Milgram experiments, invites reflection on our moral limits and on the ability of art to arouse complex emotions.

perfusion, blood and poetry

Infusion set
Red ink and Sodium Chlorydrate
Surgical tray
Mannequin hand, plastic flower

Les bateaux

Survival blankets